Installing LiquidSoap RaspberryPi

Installing LiquidSoap RaspberryPi

Use APT to install LiquidSoap:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y liquidsoap

STLs and Raspberry Pis

Create a basic radio station:

# Log dir
set("log.file.path", "/var/log/liquidsoap/radio.log")

# Music
myplaylist = playlist("/srv/Media/Audio/Music/")

# If something goes wrong, we'll play this
security = single("/home/pi/emergency.mp3")

# Start building the feed with music
radio = myplaylist

# And finally the security
radio = fallback(track_sensitive = false, [radio, security])

# Stream it out
 host = "localhost", port = 8000,
 password = "hackme", mount = "basic-radio",

LiquidSoap Quickstart

Test LiquidSoap

liquidsoap /home/pi/radio.liq

STLs and Raspberry Pis

Tried ogg first but didn't work. Elaborate!

The emergency mp3 is mono which LiquidSoap didn't like. Replace 'single("/home/pi/emergency.mp3")' with 'audio_to_stereo(single("/home/pi/emergency.mp3"))'.